Are university towns great places to retire early

Are university towns great places to retire early?

Here are the reasons we believe University Towns are great places to retire early. Not every one of these benefits is present in every university town, but many often are.

Cheap Rent,

Cheap Food,

Street music, live music, acoustic music, drum circles,

Street art, graffiti, murals,

Museums, Theatre, Classical Music,

Higher per capita incomes,

Diverse Intellectual Discourse,

International Communities,

International Foods,

Less crime,

Public transportation,

Better infrastructure,

Better Medicine,

Bookstores, cafes,

English speakers,

Here are examples of University Towns around the world that we have found one or more of the above benefits. These are in no particular order.

Guanajuato Mexico

Queretaro Mexico

Puebla Mexico

Mexico City (Roma Norte)

Arequipa Peru

Porto Portugal

Coimbra Portugal

Hanoi Vietnam

Bangkok Thailand

Chiang Mai Thailand

Cuenca Ecuador

Quito Ecuador

Dumaguete Philippines

Grab a copy of my free eBook if you would like to learn, “How I Fire My Boss and Traveled The World for 13 years.” To see our library of over 50 retire cheap reports all over the world, visit

The world is your home.  What time will you

2 thoughts on “Are university towns great places to retire early”

  1. I liked this one, it came from a perspective I hadn’t thought of. I like the new format too. Keep ’em coming. I always leave a thumbs up.

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