What does human trafficking look like

This report asks, what does human trafficking look like?

Video Part 1

Video Part 2 is on Qiang’s Channel (Please subscribe)

Corruption by immigration officials is real in many parts of the world, but in other cases, the immigration officials might be looking for evidence of human trafficking.

In this video, Qiang Hui shares some of the difficulties she had traveling to Mexico from the Philippines. As honest international travelers, we may not understand everything that immigration officials are asking us. Like why would they ask a young beautiful woman like Qiang if she has family or friends in a new country? Why would they ask her if she has a travel document booked in her name showing where she is staying? Why would they ask her how much cash she has on her?

They may not be trying to take a bribe from her. There are legitimate reasons an immigration official might ask any of these questions.

Luckily, at 35 years of age, and being educated and from a successful family and country of higher per capita resources, Qiang has control of her destiny.

But the UN estimates that about 45 million people around the world are victims of human trafficking. They are in debt to someone else, have no access to resources if they get in trouble in a foreign country, and have no family or friends to help them if they end up vulnerable in a foreign country. Only part of it is sex trafficking. It is also about importing cheap or free labor into countries of high labor costs.

As described on this immigration document (link provided), some of the signs of human trafficking include, Lacks control of identification documents or travel documents, Lives, and works in the same place, Lacks freedom of movement, Seems to be restricted from socializing, attending religious services or contacting family, Seems to have been deprived of basic life necessities, such as food, water, sleep or medical care, Shows signs of having been abused or physically assaulted, submissive or fearful in the presence of others, not able to control his or her schedule, lacks concrete short- or long-term plans, lacks knowledge about the place where he or she lives, or dates much older, abusive or controlling men.

I am not saying there aren’t corrupt immigration officials around the world, but some questions might be for more benevolent purposes. Okay, let’s listen to Qiang’s video about traveling around the world. Could any of these questions she is being asked be trying to spot human trafficking?

Here is a quick summary of what the immigration officials in the Philippines and Mexico required before letting her exit and enter.

Here are the main four things that surprised us about her trip.

One. Onward flight proof (leaving Mexico) wanted by ANA Airlines. We have been to Mexico twice in the last 24 months, and that was not required before. She had to buy an onward flight ticket (leaving Mexico) before ANA Airlines would let her board her flight leaving the Philippines. I flew from the USA to Mexico just 10 days before and there was no onward flight required. Was it because she was from Malaysia? We don’t know.

Two. ECC’s Are Required Again. I had left the Philippines just a month before Qiang did and they did not require an exit clearance certificate (ECC) from me. The receipt she was issued was for 1210 PHP for the ECC but she was not given the correct amount of change. Not worth complaining about because the overcharge was so little. If she complained to the officials’ boss, that would not likely have gone well for her.

Three. Mexico Immigration asked for (1) onward flight, and (2) hotel reservations in Puerto Escondido. I had gone through Mexico immigration just 10 days before and neither was required. They asked me one question, “How long do you plan to stay in Mexico?” I said, “Not sure. We will tour around southern Mexico for about 3 to 6 months and then cross into northern Guatemala.” They stamped me 180 days no visa required. Qiang had the onward flight data and showed them that. But she didn’t have a hotel reservation in Puerto Escondido because I booked that and was already here. She did show them her old passport that showed her entering and exiting Mexico properly according to the 180 days they gave her before. After talking to their boss about the facts, they stamped Qiang’s passport with 180 days and said, “Welcome to Mexico.” Are they just tougher on Asians? We don’t know.

Four. Mexico Immigration (also) Asked How Much Money Have You Brought to Spend in My Country? That really scared Qiang. In Asia, that might mean the official was sizing her up for a bribe. Qiang answered, “I have brought cash and credit cards to spend in your country.”

Make sure to grab a free copy of my eBook “How I Fired My Boss and Traveled the World for 13+ Years.” Or watch my video, “How I Make Money with my Hobby,” so I can afford to live all over the world.

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This is Dan from Vagabond Awake, the videYoutuber Channel for VagabondBuddha.com. The world is your home. What time will you be home for dinner?