Here are my Top 11 Tips to Stop Dengue and Malaria
I have been living in Malaria and Dengue locations since 2007. I was born in the USA but I only visit the USA now. These tips I am sharing with you may have saved me from Malaria and Dengue for 13 years so far.
Many of the retire cheap places I recommend have had Malaria or Dengue outbreaks at one time or another. Check the CDC web page and other sources, from time to time, to see if they have current outbreaks. Stay out of the high-risk area especially during the rainy season if possible.
You must keep perspective though. Do not live in fear but do be smart. Not every mosquito has Dengue or Malaria. Qiang has lived in SE Asia for 35 years and has never gotten Malaria or Dengue. Between us, we have been bitten by hundreds of Mosquitos, if not thousands, and neither of us has ever caught Malaria or Dengue.
By the same token, these tips will merely lower your chances of getting bitten by Mosquitos. The tips will not guarantee that you will not get bitten by mosquitos. Even if you follow all of these directions, you could still get Malaria or Dengue.
Furthermore, even if you get Malaria or Dengue, many people do not die from it. I have met many people that have survived Malaria or Dengue. I do not know anyone that has died from either.
That said, you should avoid Mosquito Bites. Here are my top tips. But don’t write anything down. At the end of this video I will tell you how to get these tips in writing.
One. Portable Mosquito Nets: Place over your bed at night. They have let us on buses, flights (carryon), and ferries carrying this Mosquito net. Keep the packaging sheet so they can see what is inside. They always ask at airports. They have never said we couldn’t take it in our carryon luggage, 20 countries later.
Two. Bug Spray. Carry a small portable backpack with mosquito spray (or mosquito lotion) water, and sunblock inside. Never leave home without it. As soon as you see Mosquitos, spray Mosquito on your open skin areas including the back of your neck. I don’t spray my face unless I notice them flying towards my face which is very unusual. Carry mosquito sprays with varying levels of poison. When the likelihood of a bite is higher, use the stronger potency such as DEET. You will know when higher potency is needed because it will seem like you are being swarmed rather than just annoyed. Here is a link to the various types of sprays that are on the market. But consult a pharmacist upon arrival for the suggested spray for that area.
Three. Airconditioning. Mosquitos prefer warmer temperatures. Keep the room cool to reduce the number of mosquito bites.
Four. Electric Anti-Dengue Repellants. They sell these everywhere in SE Asia. Some are for indoors, some for outdoors. Malaria mosquitos bit more often at night. Dengue mosquitos bite more often during the day. So keep mosquitos away at all times.
Five. Shower several times per day. If there is a sweaty, stinky person in the same room as a dry clean soap smelling person, the mosquitos seem less likely to bite the clean person.
Six. Stay where there are screens on the windows. This is obvious. Bring a screen like cloth (and tape or tacks) with you if you can’t afford to rent places with screens. If you see light under doors push the rug against the crack. Mosquitos are attracted to human breath (carbon monoxide) and they will smell it through cracks so eliminate their ability to enter your living space.
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I personally do tips one through six regularly. I have never done tips seven through ten, but I did do tip eleven.
Seven. White Long Sleeves and pants. Pack white long sleeve and pants. In Jungle areas or areas with high concentrations of Mosquitos, either don’t go or reduce the surface area of skin exposed to Mosquitos. Mosquitos feel safer on darker colors. Maybe because you can see and kill them on white but not on black. So stay with light colors when the mosquito concentration is high enough to put on long sleeves and pants.
Eight. Mosquito Net Hats. I rarely hang out in areas where Mosquitos are really concentrated like jungles and dormant waterways in warm weather. If you do wear one of those goofy Mosquito hats.
Nine. Permethrin Spray. Larger strong mosquitos can bite you through your clothing. Spray your clothing with permethrin spray to reduce that possibility.
Ten. Tonic Water. During the building of the Panama Canal, the officers and engineers in charge had a lower incidence of malaria than the laborers. It was determined that the workers were given beer at night and the bosses were drinking Gin Tonics. It was later determined that an ingredient in the tonic water, called Quinine, repelled the malaria Mosquito. So drink gin tonics.
Eleven. Talk to Your Doctor. There are a number of drugs suggested by the CDC that help reduce the possibility of getting Mlarais and reduce the severity of the symptoms if you do get it. Link Provided. I talked it over with my health care provider and felt the symptoms of taking the drug for two years at a time would be greater than the likelihood of me ever getting Malaria.
To get a copy of this list, Top 10 Tips to Stop Dengue and Malaria, click the “More Information” link in the notes below this youtube video. If you would like to find out how I was able to fire my boss and travel the world to 65 countries in 13 years, click the Free eBook link at the top of At, you will also find over 50 reports that will teach you how to retire early for cheap in paradise. The world is your home, what time will you be home for dinner?
Thanks for sharing Bruce.
(re: the lower incidence of malaria among the execs during the construction of the Panama Canal) The quinine in tonic water does nothing to repel mosquitos; it is however, the original anti-malarial drug upon which all others are based. In other news, mosquitos have no livers, so staying inebriated by drinking G&Ts is its own revenge… 😄 Besides, it wasn’t malaria that killed the most workers on the Panama Canal, it was yellow fever. (With snake bites probably running a pretty close 2nd?) Just sayin’… 😉