Hey, this is Dan of Vagabond Buddha,
In many cases, I will share links to third party web sites (“affiliate links”), and I will suggest that you make a purchase. In almost all such cases, it is very likely that your purchase will result in me receving a commission from those third party web sites. I may earn a commission for that sale, future sales, or recurring billings. Please assume that any links to 3rd party vendors, are affiliate links.
I will share all of the following with you to make money.
My goal is to continue to lead an amazing life and share what I do and how it works. I intend to share how I have wandered the planet for most of the last 11 years. I will share what I learn about the most interesting places in the world and share tours, accomodations, and packages. I intend to share how and what I learn about earning money online alog with the seminars and software that help make money. I will also share what I learn technology, products, and creative tools that help me in life and business. I also intend to share how I haved lived in awareness of the present moment for most of the last 35 years.
Whether it is a great place to visit, a great tour I heard about or took myself, a great course I heard about or took myself, a great seminar that helps accomplish my goals or intentions, a great video I watched, great products or services I use or have read about, or anything else that helps me or might help you reach goals or intentions, I will share it with you.
These affiliate links in my content also demonstrate first hand, one of the ways, I will be teaching some of you how to make money online.
Take Care,
Dan of Vagabond Buddha