Favorite places to retire early after 1 year slow travel

In this video, we discuss our favorite places to retire early after 1 year slow travel through Mexico, Portugal, Ecuador, Peru, and Colombia.

We spent a year slow traveling through Mexico, Portugal, Ecuador, Peru, and Colombia in 2017 through 2018 before coming to SE Asia in 2019 through 2020.

Favorite Beach Towns:

Dan: Tulum, Mexico, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, Santa Marta, Colombia

Qiang: Merida Mexico

Favorite Mountain Towns

Dan: Guanajuato, Mexico, San Cristobal, Mexico, Oaxaca, Mexico, Otavalo, Ecuador, Medellin, Colombia, Cajamarca, Ecuador

Qiang: Guanajuato, Mexico, Arequipa, Peru, Cusco, Peru

Favorite Big City

Qiang: Mexico City, Lisbon, Portugal

Dan: Mexico City, Lisbon, Portugal, Cartagena, Colombia

Favorite Small City

Qiang: Cuenca Ecudaor, San Miguel de Allende, Mexico

Dan: Chapala-Ajijic, Mexico, San Miguel de Allende, Mexico, Coimbra, Portugal, Otavalo, Ecuador, Cuenca, Ecuador,

Favorite Food:

Qiang: Ceviche in Peru, Oaxaca Mexico Cheese, Tulum, Mexico,

Dan: Mexico City, Cartagena, Colombia, Arequipa Peru, Cuenca Peru

Cheapest Town:

Dan: Cuenca Ecuador, Cuernavaca, Mexico, Otavalo, Ecuador,

Best Expat Communities:

Dan: Chapala-Ajijic, Mexico, San Miguel de Allende, Mexico City, Cuenca Ecuador,

Best Grocery Stores:

Qiang: Lidl Grocery Stores in Portugal, Wallmart in Mexico, Cuenca, Ecuador,

Dan: Oaxaca, Mexico

Best Public Transportation:

Dan: Portugal

Qiang’s favorite places to retire early after 1 year slow travel through Mexico, Portugal, Ecuador, Peru, and Colombia:

Arequipa Peru, Queretaro, Mexico

Dan’s favorite places to retire early after 1 year slow travel through Mexico, Portugal, Ecuador, Peru, and Colombia:

Porto Portugal, Oaxaca Mexico, Arequipa Peru, Queretaro, Mexico

Grab a copy of my free eBook, “How I Fired My Boss and Traveled the World for 13 Years.” See our catalog of Retire Cheap Reports and Slow Travel the World Reports at this link.

2 thoughts on “Favorite places to retire early after 1 year slow travel”

  1. We love that town. We visited friends there once. But I don’t have any recommendations. Sorry.

  2. Hi Dan and Qiang;

    May you both be doing well. Can you recommend any accommodations in Puerto Morelos, Mex.?
    We very much enjoy your informative you tube videos. We just became members.
    Thanking you in advance.

    Wishing You Both All The Best,
    Judy and Carl

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