Free La Condesa and Roma Norte Walking Tour

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La Condesa and Roma Norte Walking Tour (Map) or (Video)
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Free La Condesa and Roma Norte Walking Tour

[kkstarratings]  This is Dan Of Vagabond Buddha. While in Mexico City you must walk the beautiful neighborhoods of La Condesa and Roma Norte. Here is the video of the free La Condesa and Roma Norte walking tour I made walking the below Google Map.

Video of Free La Condesa and Roma Norte Walking Tour:

If you would like to walk the same streets I did when I made the above La Condesa and Roma Norte Free Walking Tour, then click this link to get the Google Map I made for you.  If it doesn’t look exactly like the following picture, please leave a comment below so I can fix it.  Google likes to get creative sometimes with the route which is not helpful when it is the journey and not the destination that matters.

Picture of Google Map:

This is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. Please enjoy the video above if you can’t make it to Mexico City in person. Also, please leave a comment below if you think we have missed anything that must be seen in these two neighborhoods of Mexico City.

Finally, Google “Vagabond Buddha Mexico City” if you would like to see our other recommendations for what to see and do while in Mexico City.

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Thank you for being a part of my dream, Dan, Copyrights, (c) 2018

5 thoughts on “Free La Condesa and Roma Norte Walking Tour”

  1. I’m using Chrome and the map on Google Maps does not look the same as the picture. The Google Maps version when you open the link makes you back track on Tobasco Street.

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