How Expats confirm whether their foreign doctor is competent

Dan: [00:00:00] This is Dan of Vagabond Awake, the Youtube Channel for

Note: This text is a machine transcript of the video at the top.

In this video, I’ll describe how to avoid incompetent doctors when you’re living overseas. I left the United States in 2007. I’ve lived in 67 different countries. I’ve been in the hospital. And so these tips are practical tips that, that I think should help you get through a medical problem and give you confidence and trust.

That you’ll need to trust the suggestions that your overseas doctor will have for you. It’s natural human behavior to think that where we grew up is is better, safer more competent. Some of that’s from familiarity, some of it’s language. And so when you first move overseas or even after you’ve been there for a while, it’ll take a while for you to build this sort of confidence and trust.

You’ll have in the local medical staff and it, it won’t happen right away and it’ll only happen for me some people once they’ve had some experience with it. But I think what I’m gonna share with you [00:01:00] today will help you gain that trust and confidence if you’re living overseas. So first of all, we are all gonna die someday.

There’s no getting around that. It could come quickly or it could be slow. It could be a drawn out mess over many months with a lot of pain and suffering. And so your mind naturally goes to these ideas. Is it okay to move overseas? Am I creating, is a higher likelihood that I’ll be in pain and suffering or, or a situation that would’ve been solved in my home country could labor on and they won’t be able to diagnose it.

They won’t have the right medicine. And so if you’re thinking that way, it’s just natural. What could go wrong overseas? And so anytime you do something new in life, it’s good to be skeptical at first and to kind of think through stuff. Will foreign doctors be able to save you? Will they be competent?

So first, let me tell you my little, my story and how I overcame a a serious medical situation and, and how I was able to do that. And then I’ll teach you how to sort of repeat what [00:02:00] I did to make sure you get competent care. So what happened to me? My story one. One night I was living in India. It was around the first or second year.

I arrived there. I lived there for three years. I woke in the middle of the night and I was in a little bit of pain on the left side of my chest. And I noticed that when I sat up, the pain was reduced, but when I laid down, it hurt again. So I sat up through the rest of the night. It didn’t feel like a heart attack from what I had rid, but in the morning I went to the hospital.

So first of all, what hospital do you go to before you get sick? When you first arrive in a place, if you’re gonna be there more than a few days, you, you want to think about where is the hospital, what’s the best hospital? And often that’s something you can ask expats from that town or also locals.

What’s the best hospital in town? Or you can read about it online, so at least know the name of the hospital. Now when I arrived at this hospital, I was not a patient. What do I mean by that? I had never really been sick before. I had a little bit of childhood [00:03:00] asthma but it really wasn’t that bad.

I’d only broken both thumbs in my life and I’d broken both collarbones and so I never really had any kind of. Long-term disease or, or life-threatening situations would just wore braces or whatever till the bones healed. And so I went, really didn’t think of myself as a, a very schooled patient. So I showed up there and I was fearful ’cause I didn’t really know how to handle doctors or what.

To ask him or whatnot. And I didn’t know what was wrong with me. I didn’t know if it was life-threatening. I was feeling vulnerable. And I was in this sworn hospital, it was in India, so the doctor spoke English, but not all of you live in places where the doctors are going to speak fluent English. But it’s not unusual in many parts of the world in hospitals for there to be an English speaking doctor or to run around to translate for you if the doctor helping you doesn’t, or a nurse or they can even have translators.

So that. Not often a big barrier. You can often get language translations, but you won’t have that level of confidence that [00:04:00] you would get if you were speaking to a doctor in your own country that was speaking English as a first language or second language. Many of the doctors, even in the US now English as their second or third language, we attract some of the brightest minds from all over the world.

And many of ’em come to the US for medical school and they stay and they’re doctors all through our medical system and they’re some of the best. And so we’ve grown to Get used to speaking to doctors from various countries around the world. But when you’re in another country, you’re kind of thinking, do they have the same training?

Are they as smart as our doctors in the US or Germany or France or wherever you’re from? And there’s great doctors all over the world. I’m not just picking three countries out of the blue there. So you feel vulnerable. Do they really know what they’re doing? You, you’ll start to have these thoughts, especially when you don’t know what’s wrong with you and they’re trying to diagnose you.

I’m in the best hospital in town, but. Are they as good as my home hospital? Am I a lab rat? You know, you’ll have these sort of thoughts. Do these people know what they’re doing? They’re not from my country. They’re [00:05:00] not trained in this medical schools in my country, and that’s normal. Don’t feel bad for thinking those things.

It doesn’t matter what country you’re from. Those thoughts will occur to you now. So what was my solution? I’m in the hospital. Luckily I had some family members that were doctors, and so. Whenever they would run a test, they would, in India, they would bring you the test and you could see it and they would discuss it with you.

So I’d shoot photos of those and I would, I would text them off to family members. I also was reading online about my conditions and so I was, I was taking JPEGs of the test they were running, and, and I, even the doctors were even willing to allow one of my family members who’s a doctor to get on the phone and explain what was going on.

And so so they, there was a trust that was being built there over an over a few days. I was in the hospital for about five days. And so, so my cousin said, Hey, they seem to be doing everything right there. They know the right words, they’re answering the questions, they’re [00:06:00] doing all the right tests. And so my confidence began to build and eventually between what my family was saying and what the doctors were saying and my own reading online, I was out of there in about five days.

And it. Turned out fine. By the way, the equipment, they used, the hospital, everything was top-notch and it was much, much cheaper. My entire hospital stay for five days, including food and testing, which included MRIs and CAT scans and an IV drip. And just everything out the door was around $1,600, not quite 17, I don’t remember the exact amount.

And at the time I was employed there in India and I had health coverage and so my deductible. Was $200. And I showed that to a family member in the medical profession when I got home and they said, oh, it would’ve been around 40 to $60,000 in the US for the treatment they gave you in the hospital and the food and everything. Not only was the quality good, but also the the trust was high once I had help from, Family.

So how if you don’t have doctors in your family or they’re busy, or the time difference is ruining your communications, how do you build the kind of trust that I’m talking about? How do you build a team that gives you the confidence and trust to stay alive and to trust these doctors you’re using? Now, the foreign doctors when you arrive at the hospital or clinic or whatever situation you’re in, they’re gonna be your talent, if you will, on the field.

They’re gonna be suggesting what tests to run. And what have you. But pick them with referrals from, like I said, either Facebook expat pages or talk to locals. Read online, make sure you get a good hospital. And then once you know the doctor’s names, [00:08:00] make sure you, you know, read up on them too by just doing some internet research and whatnot.

So pick them with referrals and research. And, and then you should know what hospital, what doctor, what ambulance and how you’re gonna pay before you even get into any kind of medical treatment. So you want to ask those questions first. What do I mean by how do you pay? Now you might have insurance and many expats living overseas do.

But you wanna double check with your agent. It’s not unusual for your overseas insurance to be, you pay first, then you take the receipt and you fax it or email. Facts. How funny. You you email it to your your insurance company and then they reimburse you. So what that means is you need cash available in some countries and some hospitals to pay for the services, and then you get reimbursed later.

That’s different than maybe in your home country where either medical care is free in places like Europe or in the US where you’re covered. But the hospital, their insurance company is communicating [00:09:00] with the hospital daily, almost, or weekly deciding what coverage. You even get what medicine you’re allowed, what testing you’re allowed, and then paying for it.

And so the doctors in those conversations. But when you’re overseas, you might need to come up with the cash. You probably know here in the Philippines, the, the magic numbers that expat talk about is 10,000, which is about 200 bucks. So what’s that means is that if you walk around with 10,000 I’m in the Philippines right now with 10,000 pesos in your pocket, which is about 200 bucks, and you get in a.

A scooter wreck or you end up whatever, having a stroke or heart attack and you end up in the hospital, the hospital will accept you with a $10,000 depo. 10,000 peso, sorry, peso deposit, which is about 200 bucks. That’s what I’ve heard. Heard you can check around, ask other people, see if the numbers are higher now or what, but that’s the last conversation I had.

I’m not guaranteeing that. So you wanna have a little bit of money available when you go into the hospital. And so [00:10:00] that gets you admission or you can get here in the Philippines, you can get Phil Health often where Phil Health is a card you hand. And then Phil Health will get you admission into the hospital.

And that’s not very expensive, so that might be worth it alone. So, so how do you gain their trust once you’ve met the doctor? You’re in the hospital now. So here’s my answer. And assuming you don’t have family members that are in the medical. Profession in your home country or you you do, but the time difference is getting in the way.

You’re just not close enough to them to really call on them for this kind of help. And my, my answer to you as a telehealth doctor now, I. I have one that I’m gonna be bringing on here in a moment for you to get to know in case you don’t have one. But what does a telehealth doctor do? Now? What I’m recommending is that you get a medical doctor, an MD from front one of the better schools in your home country.

For me, I’m from the United States. The doctor I’m gonna show you today went to [00:11:00] the U C L A and got his md and then what you wanna do is just do the same things you’re doing with your family, but you’re gonna have to pay them a little bit Now. Since they’re a tele doctor, they’re not supporting a large plethora of nurses and they’re not paying rent.

And so their expenses are probably gonna be much, much, much cheaper. And so we’ll get into that in a minute. But, but the point is that when you get the scan, you, you pd, you send, take a JPEG of it, a picture of it, send it off to your telehealth doctor. You, when you get the M R I or CAT scan or whatever whatever imaging they’re doing today.

Diagnose you you request that your local, that your foreign doctor provide access to your telehealth doctor. And then you have conversations with them, here’s what the test was, and they, and even put them on the phone with your foreign doctor. And so what does that do for you when you’re speaking English with someone who’s trained?

In your, in your home country, your confidence [00:12:00] level comes up and they know is the doctor doing the right tests? Are they asking the right questions? Are they answering the right que, are they diagnosing based on the symptoms they’re observing and the ones the doctor’s asking you about? So I think the answer here is, is for you to have a telehealth doctor now eventually you’ll get to the point where I am where or certainly I was when I was in India I don’t have that sort of relationship.

Relationship with foreign doctors in the Philippines right now, I just haven’t had anything go wrong. But once you’re in a place and you’ve gotten through some trials and tribulations with a foreign doctor and the trust is high maybe you you won’t need to contact your telehealth doctor. Or maybe you just call ’em for a, a second opinion when you’re looking at making a hard decision once all the data is collected from your foreign doctor that you trust.

And so you can use tele doctors for different things, but I think it’s very important. You’ve probably heard of the placebo effect. The placebo effect is something they use, I think it’s called a double [00:13:00] blind study when they’re trying to determine whether or not a medicine works by the Food and Drug Administration and the U Ss a.

And of course every country has their own version of that. And what it is, is a blind study. It’s where they give some patients the medicine and they give other patients the the placebo, which might be some simple something that’s not a drug or whatever, but it’s a pill form. You think you’re taking the medicine.

And what that does is it eliminates what they call the placebo effect from the efficacy of the medicine you’re taking, which means that if the medicine gives a cure rate of, I don’t know, 80, 85, 90%, and the placebo gives a 20 or 30% cure rate, that means that your body, because it thinks you’re taking the medicine, it cures you at a 30% rate.

Now, if they told you that you were taking a placebo, your cure rate is probably gonna be lower, maybe. You only get a five or 10% cure rate. So there’s your mind, how your mind thinks about things matters. And [00:14:00] so because of the placebo effect, when your confidence goes up through conversations with your foreign and your tele doctor from your home country who have the same story and, and your tele doctor saying, yeah, they’re doing the right tests.

Yeah. The lab results are just like they. Ed. Yeah. You know, they’re running the right scans and I looked at that and they seem to be diagnosing it. Right? Once that confidence comes up, then your ability to cure yourself will come up just like it would with a placebo. So even if you trust your doc your doctor and you need a second opinion or you’re just getting to know your new foreign doctor, I think there’s some, some big value.

And also there’s value in managing your health. In a general sense, and that’s the other thing that a tele doctor can bring you, is just to discuss your testing with you. What the, what the what, what are the ways to help your body naturally cure what’s wrong with you maybe so you can cut back on meds someday.

And so all of that is involved. If you get a really good, tell a doctor. And [00:15:00] so I had a conversation with a doctor. I’ll just call him Dr. Mo. I’m gonna bring him on here. And I was really confident with the way he discussed medicine. I’m kind of skeptical of US medicine in terms of what it costs, not their ability.

They do a good job. I trust doctors in the US for the most part, although, you know, some are incompetent in all countries. It’s true. But, but, but what? I liked about this Dr. Moga, is that he he understands that there you play a large role in your health and there’s many things you can do to increase your your, your lifespan and increase the quality of the, your life you as you age.

But I’m gonna bring him on now so you can meet ’em. And this is, I’m recommending a tele doctor, and I like this one. If you’re looking for one. Let’s meet Dr. Mo.

Interviewing an American Teledoctor (MD) educated at UCLA in the USA

Well welcome Dr. Mo. To the channel. It’s a, a joy to chat with you. Now, I know a little bit about your background. You and I have already chatted once privately, but why don’t you tell the audience a little bit about what your, some of your training is [00:16:00] as a, you know, as in the US and how you are moved to Spain and now you’re an expat.

Maybe give us a little bit of an idea how all that happened.

Dr. Mo: Sure. Sure. So thank you Dan, and lovely seeing you with your background as always. So I am a family medicine physician. I trained at U C L A for medical school. I did residency there. I did an extra chief year for further training. I so obviously grew up in Los Angeles and later moved to San Diego to Portland, Portland, Oregon.

I worked for Kaiser Permanente, very large, H M O I was a medical director there, assistant chief. I worked in the urgent care. I worked in emergency rooms. And over the years I also got really interested in virtual care because I think being able to connect with patients where they are is incredibly important.

Not everybody is gonna need or want to go. In person. So that’s a little bit of my background as far as my training in, in general, I’ve always tried to be on top of medicine, so I’ve always done [00:17:00] a lot of research. I’ve always. Try to stay on, on top of research. I, I think it’s fascinating how medicine has evolved.

I’ve taught medical students and I’ve taught residents, and at some point I decided that, hey, you know, it’s great to go live somewhere else, especially you know looking at content from people like yourself how liberating it is to be able to go live abroad. And so I decided to come to Spain.

Dan: Yeah. Now you know Dr. Mo how in America, not everyone, but percentage of the population thinks. All the good doctors are in the US and outside the US is crazy or just behind the times, if you will. But you, you, you know that there, there, you know, that there’s great me doctors all over the world but for someone new who’s leaving and and I remember the first, as I mentioned earlier in my introduction.

I was sick outside the US for the first time, and I felt really comforted by having a an American doctor like you who also happened to be a relative that had walked me through it. And over time I’ve developed the [00:18:00] knowledge that you have about some of the other doctors around the world and their capabilities and whatnot.

So now I’m, I have more confidence, but I think. I think it’s it’s important for people to understand that, you know, if they have someone like you as a resource that they can talk to that it’ll build that confidence for them. And so one of the things we talked about on when we first chatted privately with one of the things you expressed to me that made me realize that you were kind of a doctor of my style, if you will, where you know what all of the.

Big gun cures are, but you also know about holistic care and taking care of yourself first and all that kind of stuff. I was really impressed with. Give us a little bit of an idea of, of, of what your thinking is on that so they’ll understand how you think in that way.

Dr. Mo: Absolutely. And I’ll, I’ll start by saying that I think it was a great story that Dan, that you shared, and thank you for being so vulnerable.

It’s incredible. That’s one of the things that drew me to your channel, just being that vulnerable and sharing your own personal stories. But the fact that you, I. Immediately connected with those physicians and clinicians on your team [00:19:00] because you got that, okay, that push, like that hug from your I think it was your cousin or a family member who is a physician, and that, that is one of the most important aspects.

I, my line of thinking is we should empower patients, we should educate them so that they can be the best advocates for themselves. So that they don’t rely on us. I don’t want my patients to constantly come to me. Maybe that earns more money, but it’s not a good relationship. I want my patients to go out into the world and feel competent, confident, but maybe run some things by me and try to figure out like, Hey, what, what should I do?

What shouldn’t I do? I wanna run this by you. Can you take a look at this lab and tell me what things I’m missing? And I wanna arm them with information so that they can make the best, best decision for themselves. And you know, the irony of course is you and I are sitting here and you brought a physician from U C L A, very standard educated, highly trained to talk about, you know, our physicians in other countries.

Any good, do they know what they’re doing? ’cause they went to medical school in Guadalajara or like in some [00:20:00] parts of India. Well, one great thing about medicine in a way, a lot, it’s a lot like computer programming, right? The education is very much the same. We study the same patho pathophysiology. We study the same medications, we study the same surgical procedures.

The base education is all the same. What makes a physician different is what they do after their training. The medical school, the residency is not gonna make you a good doctor. It’s how you connect with someone. It’s the questions you ask. It’s how vulnerable you are willing to be. With your patient. It’s, it’s how much you try to put yourself in your patient’s shoes.

Maybe somebody who’s not able to lose weight, maybe somebody who’s a hardcore exerciser and you’re like, okay, look, we need to calm down. Your exercising, it’s hurting your hip. So a good physician. It has nothing to do with their training, in my opinion, and I’ve seen this time and time again. I’m here in Spain.

I had major hand surgery here in Spain. I chose my physician here because I went to physicians in the us. I got multiple opinions and I really connected with this physician who cared, [00:21:00] and I paid nothing, almost nothing compared to what I would’ve paid in the us. So it’s about us recognizing what makes a good physician and trying to for ourselves, determine what are the characteristics that makes a good physician.

Dan: I. That’s great. That’s great. Now, so you so one of the things that we talked about that you, that you, that you said would be good for my audience ’cause there are people near or approaching retirement that are thinking about moving overseas. And you talked about this idea of kind of getting a baseline idea.

Why don’t you talk about some of those concepts, a baseline idea of health or whatever it was that you had talked about, or like what are the characteristics they need to think about? Yeah.

Dr. Mo: So you, you started something, you said something that was really powerful. I think we have, we’re all gonna die and there is nothing morose about that.

I think the fact that we’re living and dying makes life sometimes very sweet. But there is a time where as we approach and get older, certain things are gonna change and many of us will have to [00:22:00] face the fact that we’re gonna lose some mobility. We’re gonna lose some of the youthfulness that we have.

Some of us will get the chronic conditions such as, Cancer, diabetes, heart disease, dementia, and those kind of things, and understanding that these are some of the things that can happen, but how can we prevent them? And what kind of things can we do ourselves to make the most of it? For example, I. As, as you, as you mentioned in Western medicine, we think that anything’s curable.

I can just give you a pill. I can do that surgery and you’re gonna be better. When in fact, the majority of the data, the majority of the research shows that it’s what we do on a day-to-day basis. How much activity we do, how well we sleep, how much maybe time we spend controlling our stress, coping with stress, meditation The exercises that we choose, the foods that we eat, those are the things that are gonna make the biggest difference.

Those are the things that are gonna have the biggest impact. So creating a baseline idea of your health means having a really good clinician, whether you go to India, [00:23:00] whether you do it in the Philippines, whether you do it in Thailand. In fact, one of my one of my patients, one of my clients right now is in Thailand, and he sent me this huge report.

And the way I do it with my patients, I do a screen share and I record and I analyze it bit by bit. It gives you an understanding of where is my health right now? What are my risks, and if I can understand what my risks are. Well, great. I can start focusing on those things, right? If it’s my stress and my sleep, like sleep apnea or my, my weight, great.

I can maybe start chipping away at that instead of like, oh, what is my vitamin D two level? What is my zinc oxide level? Right. Those are some of the things that are further down the list and they’re informative. They’re not gonna be transformative. Right? They’re give you some information, but whatever you do to change, those may not have a big impact.

So that’s the way I like to think about getting that baseline health and deciding what to do next about it.

Dan: Right. Right. So you had talked about all the, the thing that kind of transitioned into in [00:24:00] our last call was kind of the big four things. The big four things are killers that people face.

What are those and, and what are, what’s your holistic thinking about those or about how people can. Get their, you know, get a control of those in their life.

Dr. Mo: Sure. Right. So really good data out, and especially with recent health crises that we all witnessed it’s become very apparent that heart disease is number one, right?

You have. Endocrine issues such as diabetes, that’s a big one. Then you have things like dementia, so that’s neurocognitive stuff. Parkinson’s, dementia, and we have cancer. Now. Everybody’s very afraid of cancer. The good news is most cancers are probably not gonna kill us. Most cancers probably will move very slowly.

Now in Western medicine, we attack cancer. We fight cancer, which are terms that I personally am not very happy, comfortable with. I think. Many of us will live into old age with cancer without a lot of issues. But [00:25:00] heart disease remains one of the biggest ones, and heart disease. We think, okay, I’ll just take a statin.

I’ll go to the doctor. They’ll put stents in my heart. My dad had five stents placed in his heart, and I’m like, dad, you don’t need five stents. You know, let’s talk about the data. Let’s talk about the science. I think you have a little bit of angina. You have some lack of oxygenation to the heart. There’s some things that you can do to change it.

The stent won’t change it, and there’s some great studies to show that. You know, just doing an intervention may not change your overall outcome, but what does is maybe for him changing some of his saturated intake, fat intake would’ve been a little beneficial. Decreasing the amount of carbs, eating late at night, those kind of things would’ve made a big impact changing his activity level.

My dad’s very healthy. He’s, you know, 80 years old. But he had some habits that were leading to some of these issues and it was, it wasn’t something that was, he all, all of a sudden he’s gonna tip over. You know, it was base some basic things that he needed to change. With cardiovascular. I also worry about stroke, and so sometimes [00:26:00] smoking and stress management, those are big things.

With diabetes, it’s obviously weight. Weight is one of the biggest issues and sometimes we can get a really good signal by check. Taking a look at somebody’s fasting insulin levels by taking a look at their two hour fasting blood sugar levels. These are simple tests. Any doctor can do it, and once you see that, no reason to alarm.

It’s just like, okay, what can I do to make this different? Right? How, what can I do to change the overall outcome with dementia, mild cognitive impairment as we all get older. Now, I’m, I’m, I consider myself young. I’m 45 and I consider my dad pretty young at 80. If he passed away at 80, I’d be like, That’s why, why at 80, you know, our life expectancy these days can be quite high.

And so if my cognitive ability starts going downhill slowly, it’s probably because I’m not sleeping well. I don’t feel regenerated. Maybe I’m not getting enough nutrition from certain fatty acids that I should be getting from certain proteins that I should be getting. Maybe I’m not stimulating my mind enough.

Those are big ones. Cancer. Most cancer that happen are [00:27:00] just bad luck, right? They’re bad luck. It’s just a change in the D n a sequence. It is still very rare. People think it’s everywhere because we see it all over the news, but it’s really rare. Think about all the people you know, how many people do you know who have cancer?

It’s still statistically quite low, but certain things that increase it really poor sleep, unfortunately. Does add. Add to it. Obesity. And the reason for that is complicated, but has to do with I G F and other factors. And pre-diabetes, diabetes can also increase your risk of cancer. So certain quick changes in those things, certain modifications in lifestyle can make a big impact.

Dan: Interesting. So when you realize you know, it’s from a holistic point of view when you realize there’s a number of factors in someone’s life that’s maybe heading them to an early death, whatever it is, 65, 70, 75, and they probably have quality of life for another 10 years on there if they would make some certain changes.

Do you ever, what do you do to motivate them? Do you [00:28:00] give them things to read or how, how do you motivate them to realize that it’s real? They can have a whole nother decade of quality of life. How do you motivate people in that way? Right. So this is a very good question, right? Just because I have a certain bit of information, does it make a difference?

So what I love about Dance Channel, he talks a lot about personal finance and money, how to spend it, how to think about it in the future, and. The reason this is very relevant is because you can have all the information right in front of your fingertips, but you may not be able to take action. So how do you motivate someone and say, Hey, look, you know, if you actually just put a hundred dollars aside and make this one little change and this money grows, when you look at that money at the end of the year, you’re gonna feel very motivated.

You’re gonna feel very safe, very secure. That’s something I learned about myself when my bank account was a little bit higher. I’m like, oh, you know, I feel. I can go to Spain and I can live there and I can try to retire there. So for me as a physician, every patient’s different than [00:29:00] somebody has certain particular lifestyle habits.

Somebody comes in with their growing up eating Twinkies. Somebody believes that they have to exercise five hours a day. That’s the only way they’re gonna be healthy. And so it’s, first I have to get to know this person, connect, understand what are their health beliefs and what are maybe some discrepancies in their health beliefs.

And then just to. First three things that are gonna be the most effective, right? For one person it might be they’re waking up depressed every day. They’re waking up tired every single day. How can we make their sleep a little bit better? And asking them like, do you feel good after your sleep? No, I don’t.

How does that make you feel? What I. What feelings do you get when you don’t sleep well? Well, I’m irritable and I don’t feel good, and this, that, do you exercise? No. Well, how do you feel about not exercising? Well, I wanna exercise. I, I don’t know why I don’t exercise. I, I want to get myself to it. All right.

Well, what, what might make you feel good at the end of the day if you did? What if I just went for a walk? Great. Let’s, let’s start with that. You don’t have to go lift weights, you don’t have to go run a [00:30:00] marathon. You know, we, in Western medicine, we still believe 150 minutes of exercise. Where did that come from?

Right? And you must run on a treadmill. Where did that come from? It is all made up data that we kind of, you know, we. Pulled out of some data, but in, in essence, it’s being active, it’s moving, cooking in the kitchen, it’s making your bed, it’s vacuuming, you know, those, those are the activity levels. And at the end of the day, if I can show my patient that they did those things, I think they feel better, they feel more motivated.

Dan: So Dr. Mo Would it be okay if I invite you back in a couple weeks and you talk about something else we talked about in private, which is a checklist for expats moving overseas, a health checklist. Could you come back and talk about that in a couple weeks?

Dr. Mo: Absolutely. I would love to, I would love to have that conversation and try to help your people to have a better sense and feel more confident before heading out.

Okay, good. And so what about before then if they want to if they want to book appointment or find you, how, how, what are your, the ways they can contact you? So I have a [00:31:00] channel on YouTube with Expat Health, just sharing some basic information for people who are overseas and dealing with health issues.

And I also have a link where you can book a session with me if you wanna run a situation by me, run tests by me. Or if you just want somebody there to be a patient advocate for you, God forbid you’re in a hospital or any other kind of setting, I can definitely do that.

Dan: Well, that’s wonderful. I’ll put links on the screen here of that and of both, and then also I’ll put links to both below in the first link or in the description below this video.

Dr. Mo, it’s been a, a joy talking to you for the second time. I really appreciate meeting you and, and I’m glad you emailed me. It’s nice to know you’re, that you’re out there for people to contact if they, God forbid if something goes wrong in their life, or even better yet if they wanna do some preventive healthcare and talk to you about that.

So thanks so much for coming on the channel.

Dr. Mo: Thank you, Dan. It was a pleasure. Take care.

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