Our Monthly Costs to Retire in Malaysia

Here are our monthly costs to retire in Malaysia.

We explored three cities in Malaysia and kept track of our expenses in 2019. The three cities include Malacca, Penang, and Kula Lumpur and we have created retire cheap reports for each city:

Malacca Malaysia Retire Cheap Report

Penang Malaysia Retire Cheap Report

Kuala Lumpur Retire Cheap Report

I have also created a report that helps you tour around Malaysia on your Exploratory Visit.

How to Tour Malaysia

Here is a link to all of the Youtube videos we made while we toured around Malaysia:

We also have over 50 Retire Cheap Reports all over the world in case Malaysia is not your cup of tea.

Retire Cheap Reports

Cost to Explore Malaysia/Costs to Live in Malaysia

Here are the expenses we incurred on our exploratory visit (in Green Below) of Malaysia. You should expect to have higher expenses on your exploratory visit because you are renting by the week or month. Once you pick where you want to retire and switch to a 6 or 12-month lease, your costs will be about 20% lower per month. Those are the long-term rates (In yellow) near the bottom of the below table. We are not saying you could live this cheap. We are just saying what it cost us.

Make sure to grab a free copy of my eBook, How I Fired my Boss, and Traveled the World for 13 years. Thanks for stopping by. Dan of Vagabond Buddha.