Livability Factors: Lima, Peru
Why come to Lima, Peru?
Best Neighborhood in Lima Peru
Things to Do in Lima Peru (Google Maps Walking Tour)
Things to Do in Barranco Peru (Google Maps Walking Tour)
Things to Do In Miraflores (Google Maps Walking Tour)
Nightlife in Lima (Barranco, Miraflores)
Best Food in Lima Peru
Cost of Living in Lima, Peru
Livability Factors of Lima Peru
Flights and Buses to Lima Peru
Our Youtube Video of Lima, Barranco, Miraflores (Walking Tour)
You probably have your own requirements when considering whether you could live somewhere or now. My livability factors are walkability, internet reliability and strength, quality food choices for reasonable prices, and weather. I add all that up and it leads to a desirability to live there or not.
Walkability: The Barranco area of Lima is walkable. If you can afford to live there and don’t need to commute to work this would be great. Miraflores is walkable also but a little spread out for my taste. Old town Lima is walkable but I would probably have to get on the public transportation for various needs. So only Barranco is completely walkable.
Internet: Lima is a big city with fast reliable internet.
Food: All three areas, Barranco, Miraflores, and old town Lima have great restaurants and grocery stores with everything you need. But Barranco is just more compact and walkable within the compact area.
Weather: The weather is great in all three.
Desire to Move Here: I could live easily in Barranco and the cost of living is reasonable. I wouldn’t like to live in Miraflores or old town Lima.
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