Best place in the World for hot women and cheap living

In this report, we share the best place in the world for hot women and cheap living.

Retire on $800 Month in Dumaguete Philippines
Dumaguete Philippines Cost of Living  
Best Valencia Day Trip from Dumaguete Philippines
Best Cheap Food, Accommodations, Flights  
Cheapest Apo Island Turtle Tour 
Best Cheap Siquijor Island Tour Philippine  
Dumaguete Philippines Best Scenic Lake Tour
Escape from Dumaguete to Secret Beach Heaven
Cheap Dumaguete Waterfall Tour
Best Retire Cheap in Paradise Locations in the World

I arrived in the Philippines with Qiang Hui of, a runway model from Malaysia. So I wasn’t hunting for love. But Qiang and I both noticed that all of the men in our apartment complex had beautiful Filippina women, most 20 to 30 years younger than the man.

It was clearly the best place I had ever seen in the world to date over your head. But it was also dirt cheap.

I haven’t had a chance to thank you yet for watching out videos in the Philippines. So this video shares our parting gifts to thank you for watching our videos. These parting gifts were the best deals we found in Dumaguete in the Philipines. The best thing I can do for you is to give you the best information, so here it goes.

Best Deals in Dumaguete, Philippines (Our Parting Gifts to You)

We rented this beautiful apartment for $13.57 USD per night and we stayed here for 6 months. It cost us another $1.67 per day average for electricity which was separate and that included air conditioning.

This is my way of thanking the vendors that gave us the most value when we lived in Dumaguete in the Philippines for 6 months during the coronavirus lockdown. Of course, this also helps our loyal subscribers, since they will know where to go to get the best deals and we are professionals at sniffing out good deals.

These deals are our parting gifts to you.

None of the following parting gifts include affiliate links. We receive no commissions on any of these. These are straight-up non-biased suggestions helping everyone without benefit to us. We are just returning the love we received from good-hearted Filipinos. Links to all of these are provided gratis below.

Camlann Cottages. First, the Best Deal and Place to Stay in Dumaguete. The rent was 19,000 pesos which is $380 USD per month for a charming 2 bedroom cottage with no adjoining walls and a front patio to cook and enjoy your evenings. We like air conditioning so the electricity is not included so we had to pay an additional $50 USD month (approximately). It will vary based on how much you have the airconditioning on. This apartment is a good base to stay in Dumaguete while you look for even cheaper apartments for about $300 a month for a long term lease. It is conveniently located between Dumaguete and Valencia the two places Expats seem to love most.

Hey Dudz Scooter rental: This scooter-rental guy was a class act. We talked him down to 4500 Pesos a month ($90 USD) for a 125 CC scooter with 2 helmets. The scooter started every time and he even came to change the oil in the evening at our apartment so we didn’t have to interrupt any of our daytime plans. We even met his beautiful wife and babies and he is the real deal. We want to help you and him so we are providing a link so you can find him.

Our two favorite places to shop for selection and good deals were as follows:

HyperMarket: We found the best ex-pat deals and selection here.

Public Market in Dumaguete: We found the cheapest fresh foods, meats, vegetables, and fruits here.

Finally, we would like to share our favorite day trips or activities around Dumaguete. To learn details about those, just click the links at the top of this page.  Make sure to grab a free copy of my eBook, How I fired my Boss and Traveled the World for 13+ Years.

That concludes our Parting Gifts to you. Thanks for listening. This is Dan of Vagabond Awake, the YouTube Channel for The world is your home. What time will you be home for dinner?

4 thoughts on “Best place in the World for hot women and cheap living”

  1. Thank you for the vote of confidence Robert. I think the difference is that I only do what I love and I share what I learn along the way. I never look at what my competitors are doing. I just listen to what I want and use ideas that my subscribers share with me if I love the idea. So there is love in everything I do. It is all about me so when people that love what I love find me, it is an authentic and often permanent connection? Just thinking out loud. Thanks for taking the time to comment, Dan

  2. I’ve watched your videos for a long time now but this was my 1st time checking out your website, well done and very helpful. The best part of your analysis is how it has made me realize I’m overthinking overthink and greatly over estimating what my monthly expenses will be. To each their own yes but you have the spirit like Anthony Bourdain that inspired me to get get off the beaten path much like you have. Not many youtubera have put in the leg work you have.

  3. You mean websites? I haven’t done that remotely. When I am single I just put my profile up on Tinder in whatever town I am in. I am not a big fan of shopping for love long distance. I met Qiang on Tinder.

  4. I am in search for a nice Asian girl friend. I am Australian, can you recommend any sites I can look at please.

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